We can provide shipping service for lots of countries and regions all over the world. All the products in the category of Free Shipping will get free shipping. The shipping cost of other products is calculated by the weight and varies for different products and different shipping methods. It is showed on the checkout page.
We offer various shipping methods, customers may choose preferred shipping methods during the checkout process. If you need separate shipping or special shipping method, please place orders separately or contact our customers service to do so. Please feel free to contact us by email: service@sourcemore.com.
(If customer chooses a shipping method which doesn’t meet the logistics' regulations, we will help him rearrange the most effective shipping method according to his products and his country!)
We have 5 warehouses at present: Bonded Warehouse, CN-1 Warehouse, CN-2 Warehouse, Russia Warehouse - MOS and Russia Warehouse - IML.
The Bonded Warehouse, CN-1 Warehouse and CN-2 Warehouse are located in China and ship worldwide; the Russia Warehouse - MOS and Russia Warehouse - IML are located in Russia and can only ship to Russia.
We have upgraded our warehouse options.
Most of the products can be pre-ordered in our Bonded Warehouse, except the followings:
1) Products with e-liquid (Pre-ordered in the CN-1 Warehouse)
2) The following brands (Pre-ordered in the CN-1 Warehouse):
Kamry, Horizon, Steam Crave, Oumier, ThunderHead Creations, Gas Mod, Vapor Storm, Think Vape, Advken, Vapmod, Kangvape, VEIIK, Curdo, Exseed, OBS, Vzone, Augvape, Damn Vape, Hippovape, Hugo Vapor, LTQ Vapor, Ovns, Pluscig, Sense, Syiko, Talent Vape, Vapelustion, Vision, YiHi, 510Vape
3) Clearance items (Can not be pre-ordered)
The default warehouse for pre-orders of the other products is the Bonded Warehouse.
For retail, you may try to choose the same warehouse for all the items if you need the whole order to be shipped together. The total shipping cost will be lower in this way.
For wholesale, please contact your sales manager or wholesale@sourcemore.com before making your first order.
There are two key factors that affect the time you receive the item.
After receiving your order, the exact processing time varies depending on the item. Our warehouse always ship the in stock products as soon as possible. The inventory of those popular items will be updated quickly and our customer service team will promptly inform customers about their order status. Please do not worry.
Shipping Type | Warehouse | Country or Region | Estimated Shipping Time |
US Express - UPS | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | USA | 8-14 business days |
US Express - UPS(Liquids) | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | 8-14 business days | |
Express Line | CN-1&CN-2 | 10-20 business days | |
Specialpak Line | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | 10-20 business days | |
Specialpak Line for Liquids | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | 10-20 business days | |
Express Line | CN-1&CN-2 | Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Italy, Israel | 10-20 business days |
Specialpak Line | Bonded | Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden,Italy, Israel | 10-20 business days |
Express Line | CN-1&CN-2 | United Kingdom | 10-15 business days |
ePacket | CN-1&CN-2 | South Korea, Japan, Australia | 8-20 business days |
ePacket | CN-1&CN-2 | Russia | 30-35 business days |
RU Express Line | Bonded | Russia | 12-28 business days |
Netherlands Post | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | Most of countries | 20-35 business days |
Netherlands Post for Liquids | CN-1&CN-2 | Most of countries | 20-35 business days |
UPS | CN-1&CN-2 | Japan, South Korea, Australia, France, United Kingdom | 2-9 business days |
Specialpak Line for Liquids | CN-1&CN-2&Bonded | Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Italy, Israel | 10-20 business days |
Please review your shipping address carefully when placing an order. Errors in the shipping address will cause delays in transit time or returned orders. We will not reship the order until it is returned to us by the courier and the customer needs to pay for the cost of reshipment.
1) We don't charge any sales tax or export duties.
2) Please note that your order may be subject to import duties, taxes, tariffs, customs charges, DDP, VAT, and the like, once your package reaches your country.
3) Any and all import taxes and customs duties are the responsibility of the customer. Duties and taxes levied by the host country are beyond our control and scope.
4) We urge our customers to check with the local authorities to see what kind of import duties are levied by the country you reside in. It is the customer's responsibility to know the laws in your country/jurisdiction prior to purchasing Sourcemore’s products. Any fees resulting from the blockage of Sourcemore’s products into your country are sole responsibility of the customer.